The Photo Collection
While going through old printed photographs taken by my mom’s grandparents I came across some negatives that were actually applied to glass. A few were broken, but the rest were intact. It was thick glass. I knew that I could put them in my scanner and treat them as regular plastic negatives.
Many of the negatives are of scenes taken while the Koch family was living in Fredericia, Denmark. However, I recognize the Kimballton, Iowa brickyard and schoolhouse in a couple of them. This means the Koch family brought the glass negatives with them when they returned for the second time to the United States to live in Iowa in 1908.
I know very little about their life in Frederica, Denmark. However, my grandfather, Holger Koch, saved some letters people wrote to him after he moved to the United States. After translation I am able to get some idea of how they lived. Also, by sharing the photos with people who are familiar with Denmark landmarks, I am able to identify some locations and buildings.
In total there are about 30 glass negatives that I digitzed. Here are just a few of them: