Throughout his life, my grandfather, Holger Koch, took on the role of director, actor, and musician in communities where he lived. It was his way of contributing to the local culture. He learned its importance as a child in Denmark.

As the Little Butternut 4-H Club leader, my mother, Helga Konopacki, directed many plays and musicals made up of 4-H members (I was one of them). We performed in pageants with other 4-H groups.
For a few years as a kid, I got the idea I wanted to produce skit programs and perform them in front of neighborhood parents. My sister and a couple neighbor kids would come up with a handful of short skits and performed them. Mostly we lip-synced celebrity songs and mimicked comedy acts. I don’t think we did more than four performances within a three year time frame. One was specifically put together for Father’s Day.

It wasn’t in my DNA to continue to perform in front of a crowd. I did play small parts in high school plays, but my heart was never in it.