
Starting in 2005, I started to satisfy my creative itch by recording video of events and musical performances.  I typically publish them on YouTube.
Most of my projects are selected by me, recorded, edited, and published by me.  I regularly run two DSLRs in video mode, simultaneously.  If there is a sound mixer available, I plug my portable WAV recorder into it for the best sound.  I occasionally collaborate with other mediographers on shoots that would best be served by more than two camera angles.  I would love to make this part of my career, but haven't found the right scenario, yet!

Marymount Manor

“Thank You” Parade
Eureka, Missouri
May 8, 2020
I was asked by an acquaintance if I would take photos of the event because she was going to be in the parade, itself.  Of course, I also took video footage.  Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, health care workers are working in hazardous conditions.  This event was to thank the employees of Marymount Manor (Skilled nursing and rehab center) for their efforts.

Home Sweet Home

Volunteer Tasks Video
Brentwood, Missouri
January,  2020
The organization recently hired a new volunteer coordinator.  I am a volunteer.  We got to talking about creating videos to help explain furniture warehouse procedures.  We created this one first that describes the responsibilities of each volunteer ‘type’.  This could be used as part of a recruitment campaign.