
Marymount Manor
“Thank You” Parade
Eureka, Missouri
May 8, 2020
I was asked by an acquaintance if I would take photos of the event because she was going to be in the parade, itself. Of course, I also took video footage. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, health care workers are working in hazardous conditions. This event was to thank the employees of Marymount Manor (Skilled nursing and rehab center) for their efforts.
Home Sweet Home
Volunteer Tasks Video
Brentwood, Missouri
January, 2020
The organization recently hired a new volunteer coordinator. I am a volunteer. We got to talking about creating videos to help explain furniture warehouse procedures. We created this one first that describes the responsibilities of each volunteer ‘type’. This could be used as part of a recruitment campaign.
Casie Kretchel Video Blog
“Eureka – My Town, My Home”
Eureka, Missouri
Nov. 20, 2019
After meeting Casie during our stint as volunteer photographers at a local charity event, we decided to collaborate on some videos around town to supplement her video blog. Previously she did both the interviews and video recording on her smart phone. We started to do tasks where she did the interview and I recorded and edited. We collaborated until we were happy with the results. Then she published to her own social media outlets.
Zitherclub Oßweil
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Washington, Missouri
Aug. 26, 2019
My wife plays in the Schwarzer Zither Ensemble from Washington, Missouri. A zither group from Ludwigsburg, Germany, Zitherclub Oßweil, came to town for a handful of performances. The Washington group sat in on a few songs. I recorded the event from the church balcony. See images from the event on Flickr.
Luck Public School
Luck High School – Class of 1979 – 40-Year Reunion
Luck, Wisconsin
Aug. 3, 2019
I attended my high school reunion. I took footage and merged it with still images to make this video. See images from the event on Flickr.
United Pioneer Home
Trip to Polk County Fair
St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
July 26, 2019
My sister is the Event Coordinator for the United Pioneer Home in Luck, Wisconsin. She had an activity planned that would take some of the residents to the local Polk County fair. I had not been to the fair since 1982 and it happened to be active during the time I was in Wisconsin. I joined the activity by taking photos and video of the event. See images from the event on Flickr.
Home Sweet Home
Open House
Brentwood, Missouri
June 20, 2019
I volunteer as a worker in the warehouse. When Home Sweet Home was asking for volunteers to help with their annual open house, I offered my videography services. Here are the results. See images from the event on Flickr.
St. Louis Live Steamers
Kircher Park
Eureka, Missouri
June 8, 2019
Getting back from my daily walk, I noticed the group was in operation in the park. I spent 30 minutes capturing footage with my Samsung Galaxy S8, then went home to edit and publish in the evening. See images from the event on Flickr.
Monk Walk For Peace
Sutham Nateetong
Pacific, Missouri to Eureka, Missouri
May 22, 2019
I heard about this trek a few days before he arrived in my area. Someone on Facebook told me he had just left Pacific, Missouri and was walking on the old Route 66 road. I met up with his handler and told him I would get video footage of him all the way to a meetup point in Eureka, Missouri – Super Smokers BBQ. It was a lot of fun being a part of his journey. See images from the event on Flickr.
Great Day of Service
Eureka Park Cleanup
Eureka, Missouri
April 13, 2019
I helped cut down bush honeysuckle next to Flat Creek in the morning. In the afternoon I took photos and video. Copies of the media were given to Julie Wood, director of Economic Development for the City of Eureka. See images from the event on Flickr.
Home Sweet Home
Special Delivery to Warehouse
Brentwood, Missouri
February 12, 2019
A few months ago I volunteered to help out in the warehouse that contains donated home furnishings that qualified families can choose from to furnish their home. On this day, Home Sweet Home took delivery of items from a local facility that was closing. I decided to pull out my cell phone and get footage of volunteers unloading the donations into the warehouse.
Ryan Koenig
Focal Point
Maplewood, Missouri
December 29, 2018
My fellow videographer, Reed Radcliffe, and I conspired to record all three sets on our DSLR cameras. Reed did the editing work, this time. I ran one camera next to the sound board.
Open Door Animal Sanctuary
House Springs, Missouri
December 2018
I volunteered to take video for the non-profit organization. I put these together to highlight certain activities and areas of their facility.
Harvest Moon Run
Route 66 State Park
Eureka, Missouri
October 13, 2018
Here is a video I created from footage I captured as a volunteer photographer at the 2018 Harvest Moon Run event. I was only asked to take still images, but I typically carry two cameras; one for still photos and the other to capture video. I think this video does a good job representing the purpose of the event, what activities occurred, and how much fun people had.
Melvin Brewing Bus in Eureka Days Parade
Eureka, Missouri
September 9, 2018
I approached Adam Scott, owner of Mountain Bike Shed in Eureka, Missouri, with the idea I would take photos and video footage of the Melvin Brewing bus while it made its way through the Eureka Days parade. With the approval of Jeff Fillers of Melvin Brewing, I put my Samsung Galaxy on the dashboard of the bus while I captured footage along the parade route.
Jack Grelle
Focal Point
Maplewood, Missouri
Jan. 12, 2018
Reed Radcliffe and I paired up our video equipment again to record Jack and his friends. A taste of country, folk, and a bit of Cajun.
Zither Recital
Washington Historical Society Dinner
Washington, Missouri
Dec. 7, 2017
My wife got interested in playing the zither, a German strumming instrument. A group formed in Washington, Missouri. Their first recital was at a dinner. I volunteered to record the performance and zither history presented by Walt Larson of the Washington Historical Society.
Canter Illinois
Charity Polo Match
Eureka, Missouri
Aug. 26, 2017
Jodi Staples Ladner asked me to take photos at the event, but I couldn’t help, but also get some video. We tweaked it to highlight the major donors. Jodi said afterwards: “Thank you so much for all of your hard work. You are so talented – amazing video and photos. There was a professional photographer there that day (not with us), she commented on your equipment and professionalism!!”
The Green McDonough Band
Performance at the Arch
St. Louis, Missouri
Aug. 18, 2017
Reed R. Radcliffe and I recorded the band’s performance. He had two DSLRs running close up. I ran a telephoto lens from far away. We plugged my audio recorder into the sound board. Reed did the editing.
Lupus Foundation
Lupus “Wolf Ride”
Eureka, Missouri
Aug. 5, 2017
I knew the Keystone I.T. company was heavily involved in the foundation and brought the ride to Eureka this year. Thought I would capture bits and pieces of the event.
The Gateway Harmonica Club
Tri-County Senior Center
Pacific, Missouri
Jun. 19, 2017
The club was gracious enough to allow me to record their performance. They ended up taking the video clips, adding intro and outro titles, and creating a playlist on their own YouTube channel.
The Fanfare Band
“Music On Main”
Eureka, Missouri
Jun. 16, 2017
I asked Vince if he would mind if I recorded their performance. Ran two DSLR cameras and audio recorder plugged into the sound board.
The Dust Covers
Focal Point
Maplewood, Missouri
Nov. 26, 2016
This was the band’s first time at this venue. I had never been there before, either! Reed and I ran three DSLR cameras with the audio recorder plugged into the sound board.
The Backstoppers, Inc.
Backstoppers Charity Event
Eureka, Missouri
Sep. 2, 2016
Insinuated myself into the event at Southern Spring Polo by volunteering to take photos. As usual, a video had to come out of it. Here are clips from the event.
Student Scholarship Audition Performances
Parkway Central High School
Chesterfield, Missouri
(compilation clip)
I was asked by music/acting directory Nicole Voss to record some student performances. The kids needed audition tapes to be submitted for a scholarship award. Each kid had a lapel microphone for audio.
Mr. Handy’s Blues
Documentary by Joanne Fish
Various locations in St. Louis, Missouri
(compilation clip)
I had the pleasure to work with documentary producer Joanne Fish and photographer Reed Radcliffe to capture video of various artists in the St. Louis area for her movie, “Mr. Handy’s Blues“. It covers the life and music of W. C. Handy, best known for writing the song, “St. Louis Blues”. For copyright reasons, I am only showing background clips that were not part of the final production to demonstrate how I was involved. We all met up again in St. Louis on June 25, 2017 for the premiere at the MX Theater.
West Denmark Family Camp
Camp Events
West Denmark, Wisconsin
Videos from the annual camp held at West Denmark. I went to this event quite a few times when I lived in the area.
C. C. James
Blues Band
Various Locations
2012 – 2013
I did my first music video with Cee Cee and some of her fans at Bee Tree Park near St. Louis, Missouri. I also watched her band record the ‘Blood Red Blues’ album at Jim Gaines’ studio in Stantonville, Tennessee.
Karlie Pinder Fundraiser
Elk’s Lodge
Eureka, Missouri
Jun. 16, 2012
(Link to Flash video)
Karlie is a niece of a neighbor. She created a fundraiser to help her get into the New York Tisch School of the Arts. I volunteered to record the cabaret for her. This is an on-line Flash copy of a DVD I created. (Requires Flash)
Christmas, 2010
Various Locations
December, 2010
I volunteered to take video during staged flash mob events at businesses. 1) Mid-Rivers Mall, where I was reprimanded by a security guard. 2) Chesterfield Mall; YouTube made me take my video down because of a Mariah Carey copyright infringement. 3) A mob at a Schnuck’s grocery store.
Paul Cockrum Trio
Franklin County Fair
Union, Missouri
July 10, 2010
All song performances by the band. Elaine was running a Sony Handicam at one location; I was using an HV30 camera. Plugged my Edirol R-09 into the sound board. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a clean line!
Gateway JetRally
Eureka, Missouri
Spent two days capturing the preparations and flight of both jet and prop radio-controlled planes during this event hosted by the St. Louis Radio Controlled Flying Association. Was able to get some good pilot interviews.
WF&P Railroad
Wabash, Frisco & Pacific (mini) Railroad
Glencoe, Missouri
I stopped by the roundabout prior to the 2006 season to ask if I could hang around during the season and record video. As a result, I got to know the volunteers and learned a lot about steam engines. I converted old Super8 tapes from the early days of the group to DVD format.
St. Louis Area Geocachers Association
Various Locations
2005 – present
Video clips of geocaching events and hunts in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Note: MOGA videos are in a different playlist.
Midwest Open Geocaching Adventure
Various Locations
2004 – 2008
This annual geocaching “mega-event” started in 2004. Over multiple days, participants play games and compete for prizes.
Trail Camera Photos / Video
I've had four trail cams over the years. Two have crapped out. Two are still in service, although one developed an annoying audio buzz when I record in video mode. Here are some of the more interesting captures around the house and woods.
Video of Animals
Skunk vs. Raccoon
Fox / Coyote
Video of Humans
A neighbor kid picking up sticks in my woods. He was freaked out when he discovered the trail cam right in front of him.
Random clip of me going through the woods spraying weeds. Can my legs get any whiter?!
This guy was renting the house next to me. Here he is putting up his own trail cam on my property without permission. I took it down and gave it to his wife, who opened the door. She disavowed any knowledge of it. Their kid drove his four-wheeler in my woods, tearing up the soil. When I confronted his mother, she acted like she had no idea. Then she blew up at me saying how dare I come to 'her' door to complain. I contacted the rental owner about the trespassing. Luckily the family moved out a few months later.