My name is Paul and I used to ‘wet the bed’.
This might be a scenario that you have not experienced and may feel uncomfortable reading about. But it was part of my reality and I wish not to deny it.
I don’t remember exactly when it started – sometime in the early 1970s as a preteen living in Luck, Wisconsin. At the time I had my own room, where-as previously I shared an adjacent room with my sister. Sometime in the middle of the night I would wake up after have urinated in the bed.
The person who suffered the most was my mother, who had to come into my room most every night when I cried, “MOMMY!” She would carry me to the bathroom to clean up and then change the linen. She put a rubber sheet over the mattress to protect it during this period.
I remember going to a doctor in the neighboring town of Frederic, Wisconsin. He did what I would say trick me into thinking the problem was solved by ‘snipping’ the end of my penis. He actually didn’t do anything to physically alter it, but I have a vague memory of the visit and him using a scissors to simulate cutting something at the tip. There were occasional mishaps after the doctor visit, but essentially the problem was solved!
It would seem the underlying problem was psychological – low self-esteem. Some people would disagree; that underlying cause of bed-wetting can only be a physical problem. I was too young to know what self-esteem was, so it manifested into a physical problem. I can honestly say that as an adult I continue to deal with self-esteem issues. However, I would like to end this story on a positive note. It was my mother’s love and devotion that helped me get through that period in my life. Memories of her continue to get me through rough spots in my life.